Hey nice work its neat clean and works good for the gameplay i think its perfect.:0)
Hey nice job its neat and clean but on the lobby ramps you could do better.:0)
Nice job at making a new one its nice neat and clean.You chose the right gameplays too.
Well its pretty good and neat ill edit it sometime and show it to you.
um pretty good ill download to experience of a non clean neat map.
Nice work its nice and clean.The bases are pretty good but they work perfect.The temple looks sweet.nice hope to see another.
nice job you did everything with the looks and the defence for the ducks with a nice sniping spot for them.NICE JOB :0) !
well not to be mean but your forgeing sucks.It is not clean and is to open to play lots of gameplays on so it was pretty much a waste of your time.
I think it could be considered downloading to check it out but its not very neat with astetics and you should change it up a little.
very nice its a clean neat map.ill reccomend to my freinds.
i think its nice and clean for mouses
nice map its neat and has a good gameplay.
i think the defenders base is neat and has lots of defence.
I think you chose the right gameplay.Its nice and clean.
I think the map is nice and smooth.Its clean when you race.