Thank You
Hey everyone i'm just letting everyone know that my 360 has received the deadly Red Rings of Death. This means that I will not be on for about a...
good job on the map guys
Yea the screenshots could of been better but I wanted people to see what the map looked like
I downloaded the map and I thought it was a very good map, keep up the work.
Re: Millennium Falcon This is very well built.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined whatever lol i down 2 laps and still beat u......... OWNED!!!!!!!!!! Cottage out! lol
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I have to say this is the best racetrack i have ever played... i just played it and it was very good....
Hey guys I won't be on for the next 3 weeks starting saturday. I will be going to NY for vaction and my dads internet isnt working so i wont be on...
thank you guys for the good feedback and im glad you like it. =)
I can't wait for these maps... the past 10 days have gone by sooooo slow!
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) Very nice guide
Two Way Nodes can teleport to each other if on same channel Senders can teleport to recievers Senders can teleport to Two Way Nodes as well
Your teleporters need the perfectly straight, an slant/turn will throw it off.
Re: Traxus Co. Very well written, if the gameplay is as good as the written part then i give it a 5/5.
I met Forge Hub through a friend of mine and ive also been playing with them since halo 3 came out.
Im glad you brought this game up, I meant to ask you about it but i always forgot. I wasnt sure wether or not to get the game but if your on your...
I remember seeing this on Bungie. It looks like a very good map, I will try it out when i get a chance
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I can't wait for the new maps... I already have Map ideas for each of the new maps! ;D
Re: Impeachment Process: Gravedigger5454 I haven't been in Forge Hub for a month but I say aye. Reason(s) - I don't think his maps are all that...