in the end it was.... Polls have closed for Game of the Week, Week 7. Remember that this week's Prep Rally will be early because some games are...
woooot we won, i wanna thank everyone who voted for us. Thank you for ur help =)
yea we still got a strong lead... im worried though cause one of the schools just jumped of to 30% out of know where lol its only been like 2...
yea ive thought of coming back for a while now, im still not sure though cause i dont play to much.... and yea forgehub has gotten like 4% more...
thank u guys for voting... keep it up. we jumped up like 7% percent yesterday.
MIKEY i love u =).... thx for the vote... yea with forgehub helping us out, our school is winning for sure 47% now... keep on voting! =)
yea ive though about coming back, i may eventually. i have had to much on my mind these past few months to come back... and i helped with tremors...
hopefullly we win, jefferson was at like 10% this morning and there catching up slowly... keep up the voting guys =)
yea i have a good feeling were gonna win, it runs until tuesday thats why im asking all of forgehub to vote... if everyone on forgehub does that...
not sure where it will be posted yet but i might try and get it posted soon. also u can vote once every hour... and every vote helps!
i actually have a finished map right now... im gonna have to talk to my friend to see whats going on cause its ready to be posted for sure, i made...
yea i was a guilder back in the day but i quit forging a while back... and no im not on the football team... and thx for helping out guys.. keep...
Hey guys if you get a chance please go to... My Fox Tampa Bay then go down to where it says Poll and vote on... Cardinal Mooney at Palmetto...
Hello everyone, i thought i should introduce myself again since i have been off for so long. For those who don't know i quit playing games for a...
the ideas ether randomly pop into my head or i think back to the days when i played Mario Party 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 lol
yea for the painball you would have to use plama pistol... anything else is to strong
o dont think that will be possible unless they made it to where to soccer was a gametype
infection maps are fun but i perfer minigame maps
you should redo all the spawns and if that doesnt work put something in the middle of the spawns so that they dont see each other when the spawn
Re: Bunker Hillv3 nice job on the map guys