So, this is my first sig on my new computer, I made it in GIMP 2.0 and came out all pixley... I don't know why, I like the version I use to have...
Okay, so I decided to make a thread for my manga, I'll probable be able to update it everyday. My scanner isn't the greatest quality though, and...
Fracticide method, a signiture tutorial For GIMP Okay, so this is my first ever sig tut, and it might be a little confusing, if you have any...
Okay, so I made a wall paper for my desktop on GIMP,[spoiler], but it shows up too large and all negative coloured, how do I fix this? Oh, and,...
So, I have my current avatar saved as a render, no BG or anything, but it still shows up with a white BG on FH. Anyone know why, or how I can fix...
So, I tried to create a pretty lifelike scene in this sig, what do you think? Cnc please. Also, everything was renderd by myself, and the BG is...
Do humans have the right to 'play god' by altering animal's genomes? Is it morally acceptable to 'flip switches' in the genetic code? More...
So yeah, I made this Deathnote sig, anyone feel free to take it. Feed back would be helpful. [img]
My first sigs! (Like you care.) So, this sig is the result of me playing around in GIMP for awhile. To answer some concerns: 1. I have NEVER made...
So, I fiannaly got GIMP, but I can't figure out how to do anything accept select tools, a little help pl0x? How exactley do I edit anything? I'm...
How do I use a PNG file image as an avatar? The site keeps telling me that the file has an uncorrect file extension.
Now, I know the first thing that comes to mind when you read the title is that I'm looking for a sig making partner. Well, your wrong. What does...
Okay, so i'm using AzUpload to make a rotating sig, Iv'e uploaded the images and got the URL they gave me, but when I try to put [img] tags on the...
So, uh, I need some sigs, so, uh, make me them! Sig 1: Renders:This one, and this one Theme: Smokey Colors: Gray and Blue font:Iron maiden Text:...
Probable one of my best ever moments on halo 3. This happend to me on live, and I got like every medal in the book that match. Temporary link...
Some funny D&D videos I found, yes, I play D&D, if you think i'm a dork for doing so, then don't respond to this thread or give me loads of bad...
I know more than a few people think this is a bad idea, but i'm going to give it one try. This weeks topic is Cold storage. Do you think it's a...
So, mostley, I haven't seen any real deabate here, just people saying their opioion. I'm tired of it, so I want to form a weekley debate thread,...
So, I was messing around in forge when I created this: [IMG] DL here
[IMG] First off, I know wha your thinking, another ship map, great. Well, you'de be partley right, and partley wrong, as UNSC Burton is not your...