when the point of the game isnt even to rack up points I doubt the one other person you asked to play chess (who actually accepted) would really...
this map is ****ing sick looking I hope it gets more comments so people know how cool it is maybe you should name it something better
it'd be cool if you could put that video on youtube or something for easier viewing
you really should everyones too stupid to realize that you just put it in the wrong forum
Re: Rampy.... giant vehicular ramp how does "the menu" work? nevermind, I get it now
wow it looks like you got everything this looks hella cool maybe you should make a couple hornets or banshees spawn 3 minutes in to simulate the...
if you mean the one by the entrance I agree I havent played that map in over a year but I do remember never using that set of stairs you should...
woah thats so cool that was one of my favorite parts of halo 2 the rest of the campaign pretty much sucked good job did you put the stairs going...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Dude this looks sofa king awesome this will be one of my first downloads when I get h3
yeah, no they look fuxing awesome I've played it a few times at my homies house I just dont have the proper fundings yet to afford the game Im...
Hi, my name is Gavin I dont have halo 3 yet but I've been looking at the forged maps awhile and I hope to be a fellow forger when I get the game