i didnt steal your return system, ive actually had this map since the begining of april, i just decided to neaten a few things up before i posted...
i think its interesting
yeah i know. sadly i ran out of many objets i need to merge some of the items, so im currently trying to solve that problem.
thanks. and actually there is a teleporter on each side where the ball initially falls down, i just didnt get a screen shot of that. The only...
lol wow spanky, you would just somehow know the day i decided to post this map to get on forgehub. and thanks everyone else :)
unfortunetly for this map, yes those bridges are needed because under them, thats where the 2 ball tunnels come together and make a 90 degree turn...
Authors: S N A F U 666 & Spankysully About: This is a Foosball map/game where the object is to of course hit the ball into the opponents goal....
lol ok i edited it.
lol you saying getting out of the map is an easter egg?
nice map also probably monday ill post my soccer map. i made it a while back but i made it neater and cleaner today before i post it here.