Map has been updated - File Share also updated. Updated: Lighting is now darker - fx fixed Two/Three "map breaking" points
Thanks for the encouragement Oreoduke, I enjoyed making it a lot, and it is pretty fun to play on too. I appreciate the nice words! Also, the...
To echo some of what I've already read, this gametype is bazaar and yet still entertaining. I appreciate the work and little tweaks it took to get...
Yup, keep those ideas in mind and be specific about your intent from the start, then your whole map will be cohesive and have a "sense of place"...
Welp, you asked if I could chime in on the map, and here you go... be careful, this might turn into an essay, but I LOVE looking at maps and...
the gametype link is broken... fileshare full?
I feel the same, it does feel busy. detail is good, but not when it muddies the overall power of the maps design, and you did do a great job for...
I may not have liked 4shot's post (putting myself in your position) but he's correct in the aspect of playability. if the map isn't dynamic...
I do like this concept a lot actually, have multiple times tried to modify a loadout to be JUST stickies, no weapons, but never really had the map...
wow. all I have to say. I checked it out in forge, ran it a few times and have to say the mix between complex aesthetics and smooth gameplay is...
Interesting. I like the map. Agreed, I would never use the center area myself, too easy to get aced, super fast. love the water coming through...
like the map a lot, being an architect major myself I can appreciate this map. but it seems more like an outdoor chapel, less a ruined...
really neat! I was wanting to do something along these lines although make it more warehouse like (flat roof instead of gable, etc), really nice!...
interesting use of the pieces, and some good spacial progressions from large-medium and even "tight" spaces. Nice job bro!
Would have appreciated thoughts about some of the other maps (even my own) in the contest. True, lots to review, but it would be interesting...
Very cool aesthetic map. Walked in the "front door" and about fell out of my chair, and when the lights came on as you walk by... it was sick. As...
Map Title - Zeitpunkt Des Todes FH Thread - Download Link -...
OK all, changes have been made. The map now has purple/colorblind/juicy for it's Special FX. Yup, I tried both combinations suggested and due...
I had the same initial response. I enjoy the idea of radio/unique gazebo and awesome exterior chandeliers, but idk... the exterior of the "manor"...
Thanks you for the correction! The color thing have been corrected, went with Juicy/Colorblind/Purple, I like it much better! It will be updated...