This map is too easy to make,my gran could make this with her eyes shut.All youhave to do is put respawn points and veichles and barricades.
This map looks good but what if you grenade jump over the wall by the stairs.
Save them form bungie . net and put them on photobucket then copy them to forgehub.Thats what i do.
It looks good and the doors under the grenades under the door are good but i think it is too small for KOTH.
Hi.why did you add me on forgehub?Do you want to make some maps together or something?
you should embed the images and put images in.
4/10.Ball jokes are not funny, they are just stupid
looks good but a little confusing.
This map looks good.
It looks good but what if you fall thourgh a hole and can't find a teleport?
not looking to bad.Could do with embeding the images though.Ps Message me on xbox live i will help.My gamertag is Etgamer114
haha lol
Did you copy and paste off bungie?Because that dotes not work because it would mean slow loading times.Save them onto your computer and put them...
None is shown, but the main area of the map is intelocked. This being my first attempt at forgehub, I think i did quite well. I achieved 4 star!
[IMG] Wow he is walking thourgh a wall.Headfirst,is what this map is called,he is tryng to charge thourgh the wall. Made by Etgamer114 and...
yeh so wat?There was no one behind me when i got sniped.:mad:
I like duck hunt the best.It is really cool
This picture is obviously staged but it looks good.
I am going to add this to my favorites.It looks wicked.
It looks good but if you can't knock them down then it seems weird