Some of thesepictures are stupid but the pictures that aren't are brilliant.9/10
It looks good but you should not have posted it without the pictures
It looks good i especially like the interlocking.I could help you if you want,my XBL gamertag is Etgamer114.
You can't say that your only a trainee.Looks good but better get those pics up quick.
If you acidentley fell, How would you get back up?apart from that it looks good.
looks good .
Looks good but what is there to stop people jumping the wall?
This is just a rip off from the matchmaking living dead mansion.4/10
The base seems a bit empty.Are the deployable covers inside the fort because that would be stupid then the attackers would be stuck...
sorry TAZ.pls forgive me.lolololollololololololololol.oolooooolololololololololololoololoooooloolololoolololloloolololollollololoololololololol
looks good,i'll download it l8er
Pictures are to small to see anything but it looks okay
looks good but a little bit small.
weird name but it looks good.
I think the junkyard should be neater,but that is just me.
A good idea but it looks a bit un neat.I suggest some interlocking.
looks good,but a bit to big for 1 vs 1
cheers,i had no idea what spawn order was.
There is a lot of interlocking just none is shown.LOL.
It looks good but it is only fun with a lot of players.