Thats cool that it gradually gets darker but it makes no difference to why you have to have 2 pics.
looks really good and a bit bigger than most maps but thats probally because most of them are on foundry.LOL
You stole my line:angry
I have played this before.It is very good in forge but not on custom games because if you fall of you can't get back on.
This map need pictures.Without pictures nobody is going to dl it.
I'll add you and help you make it,sound cool.
I agree there are not enough pictures or a weapons list or anything.It could just be ghost town that goes dark for all i know.
The name does not make much sense because it looks bigger than most map i've seen and it is not small.
It looks brilliant compared to the other avalanche maps.8/10.i'm gonna dl it later.
I like the idea of a lift but most lifts in games don't work so if yours works then that is good.
It looks good and the concpt is very intersting.well done.
It looks like a good map,I'm dl it now.How did you make the writing?add my gamertag Etgamer114, I can help.
does not really sound intresting,sounds like barrel blaster but with fusion coils and no walls.
You could add clones.clones are glitchs not mods because i have made them and i have no mods.:cool::cool::cool::)
Looking good. please explain the pictures because i don't get them.
There is a back up spawn area because if you go into 1 base and all your team go to the hill then the team will respawn the other side.Me and...
Get ready to lol! These are some cool pictures i made,I will state the names and the web adresses as they go down. Now this picture you will think...
It is good that he is looking at the camera but i have seen better.
Yeh i'll elaborate, more experienced people know better.
I hope it gets better.That has never happened to me.