this map looks pretty awesome, will dl for sure :D
Looks like a good map, will DL. Very long post.
Great map, the interlocking on the bank seems a little bumpy, but over all it's good. Will DL.
:/ I'm lost, where is everything?
this map looks good, I'll Dl it and give it a try.
Race Track Maps are probably my fav. So this looks like a good map, will DL ;)
a good concept, but could use more than the loop and observation deck. But a good start.
This could use more pics, good Geomerging by the way.
your links aren't working.
looks like a good map, I'll try it out.
Street Pylons doesn't change anything about this map. Not very well constructed.
This map (is it even a map?) does not meet forge hub standards.
These are all great maps. DLing
lol, That one guy is headless in one pic. ;D
lol, I really like the Carpet Bomb affect. :D
I would DL but your pics aren't working. :(
Your pics aren't working. :( Your pics will work if you host them on a site like Picture Shack. <- Link to his map
Nice map, you got my DL.
Looks fun :). Pics could be bigger though.