Looks interesting, but it does seem that you stole the blue fence box idea from the MLG map in matchmaking.
I Seriously think you put way too much effort into all this... and merging the crane isn't that big of a deal, sorry.
Whats your GT?
What is your GT?
My Gamertag Because You Are Blind MoB Elite Havoc or Tenchu Ryu
Does anyone want to join Forge Team?
This is an elite forge team, this is not affiliated with or against any other group. Just a group of forgers who like to make maps. This team has...
This map, has a MLG weapon setup, but although it does not contain pure ANTI-MLG items not all the items on the map are certified for MLG. This...
As in the description that you will see under this map, this is a hangar that was turned into a training complex by adding various structures to...