Indeed it is good sir.
Ampharos has good stats, but a lacking move pool. Jolteons, and Magnezones are the two best electrics not named Zapdos to battle with. And Weavile...
I'm guessing you have an AR? I just bought one today. Nifty little things they are.
So your using a Dragonite/Salamence (preferably Salamence), Zapdos, Moltres, Sableye/Spiritomb, Metagross (or Bronzong but I'm assuming you want...
Mamoswine is one sexy thug of a pokemon. STAB Earthquake and Ice Shard + Stealth Rocks = :)
No problem-o. Good luck, Claire should be pretty easy to beat.
That would be a razor claw, and, wouldn't ya know, I got a couple. I'll be in WFC.
Oh my bad. It's 4907. EDIT: Oh by the way, would you like that Sneasel holding anything in particular?
Zapdos IS there, but not til you have all 16 badges. Same for Articuno and Moltres. Although Moltres is found in Mt. Silver in this game. I'd drop...
Haha between trading across all games imaginable (actually its more of a trafficking syndicate between me and my cousin lol), breeding, and hours...
Nope, not at all. You're thinking secret power. It's always Base Power 70 Normal-type attack but its secondary effect is determined by the...
You know that team won't be allowed in most competitive battling unless you plan on battling Ubers (a.k.a. the best of the Legendaries). Garchomp...
Swampert has a devilishly high attack stat and pretty solid defenses to boot. I've run a couple Swamperts on my teams in the past. The first I...
Surprisingly enough, if you can get your pokemon within close level of his (his highest being Pikachu at lv 88) he's not that hard to beat. You...
Yeah...I know how that goes, I gotta friend at Michigan State who has his own band, and they barely make it out of the state for gigs. Still, I'd...
Oh my...this is almost as good as Poor Carmine in my opinion and better than In Search Of Hope. If you guys come to Chicago, Indy, Columbus, or...
After playing every pokemon game for a handheld console at least once (yes even Green version imported) this game is definitely worth it. IMO...
Sure thing. I'll get on it tomorrow, seeing as I'm gonna hit the hey soon for school tomorrow. But I should have the little guy bred by Tuesday at...
Haha weird o.0 I also have a shiny Charizard (black charizard= sexy) but I already have a beastly swampert so I didnt need mudkip. Baziken's a...