Dude, take one badass road trip across the nation. Go visit the west coast, the grand canyon, and enjoy the sights all around.
Well so far I've enjoyed this NHL postseason. Caps are gone, Pens still in, hell I can cheer for the Hawks until the Stanley Cup. Oh yeah, upon...
Just kinda random but I like how a bunch of the pokemon are plays on words. For example: charmander, charmeleon, charizard (char [for fire] +...
Dude, luxury ball = classy, yet badass at the same time.
^Truth. The minute I saw the Shiny Rayquaza and Registeel move across the screen I was ecstatic.
Pretty much the same monday I've had for a few weeks now. Only thing outta the usual is I had to miss basketball workouts today because my mom saw...
Yeah but its always neat to see what new things they can add to each game.
Well this weekend was fun. Went to see my high school's musical on friday with some of my friends and my little sister and her friends. Went to...
Haha yeah I didn't watch that game. Probably shoulda checked the scores before I made that comment. Don't get me wrong, the Hawks are talented,...
Im probably gonna get bashed for this, but I'm a Penguins fan. I have close family up in Pittsburgh and they took me to a Pens game when I was...
HEEEEY all you wacky 4chub pokemon lovers! Long time no see eh? Sorry I had a bit of a busy week with getting stuff ready for prom, which isn't...
Baby pokemon can't breed. Also, from my experience, pokemon of lower stages breed less frequently than pokemon of higher evolution stages (i.e. a...
Dude shiny metagross is badass, and my favorite pokemon (hence the sig). It's the old colors from the original g/s/c games. Quite a few of the...
Ok so a classmate of mine wrote this paper for his government class and I found it to be a pretty good read and I agreed with most of what he...
Nah, a weedle's fine lol. Oh teh noes! Dun worry big guy its gon b k! I'll breed a Charmander after I get a Chikorita egg.
Does it matter what nature? Or you just want a Charmander? Alright I'll breed one. And I have Arceus, and Shaymin. My cousin has my Darkrai...
I got all the starters. Give me natures and I'll get you pokemon. EDIT: Well my busy week is finally over people. I actually have time to play...
Ah. Well then just leave as is and train I suppose.
I could hack pokemon too if I spent $10 on a used AR. It's more fun using legit stuff though.
Changes/suggestions are in bold. For Scizor you want U-turn for STAB and scouting and Pursuit to catch guys on the switch. Choice Band works...