That's Kramer? I used to watch Seinfeld somewhat often, I don't remember seeing that and yes Seinfeld was a hilarious show.
QFT. And this is completely off topic, but Chuck, what is that .gif file in you signature supposed to be? Lol I'm kinda curious.
Lol, it takes a while to develop that kind of awareness. Start by writing down any dreams you have as soon as you have them. When you wake up in...
Dragon dance = the swords dance alternative for beefy dragon types and other attack oriented powerhouses who learn it.
All dreams have that. Every part of your dream is in some way a part of you. It stems out of your subconscious and unconscious mind. A lucid dream...
A lucid dream is when you're at the most vibrant part of your dream phases/cycle/whatever you call it and you recognize that you are dreaming and...
Anything Altaria can do, Salamence can do better. Salamence, Dragonite, Kingdra and Flygon all have great stats and solid move pools. Plus, few...
I think so, but the thing is there have been times where I've done that so I should get a shiny and I've gotten no shiny so I dunno whats up. Like...
Yeah its in there. It explains the differences and what not.
No cheating here, good sir. ^_^ I bred a shiny Happiny through RNG abuse. Got it to a level 50 Blissey, reduced its EVs and checked the IVs. I had...
Haha join the club. If you want some business learn to breed perfect IV shiny pokemon on command. I'm trying to learn this and I've almost got...
Y'know now that I have the ethernet chord, I'm not all inclined to play the beta. I'll just download it in the morning. Anyways I linked a couple...
I'd say roll with Metagross and TTar for sure and bring in either Lucario or Breloom. Breloom or Lucario should be your lead. Although if you do...
Typical monday. Woke up early, had a bomb-diggity breakfast, got to school early, studied a little, kicked ass in chemistry class, did work on my...
Gimme the movesets, natures, held items, etc. of your pokemon and I shall give you advice good sir.
My battle tower team that got me a successful 70+ win streak was the following: Togekiss @ Razor Claw/Fang (whichever Razor item raises flinch...
That Metagross has gone above and beyond for me; yes choiced pokemon are a little annoying, but with the right prediction they do work. This...
The dyeing is a little over the top, but what Randle said about accessories would be pretty neat. I've always wanted to play every region but I...
Drapion's not really a good choice at all. Sure he looks beastly but Sniper isn't a great ability to bank on for one. Two, poison is effective...
Mantines have some ridiculously high sp. defense (one of the many bulky water types out there) and the water-flying combo plus the affinity to ice...