I got you, buddy boy. My preferred set to run is a standard swords dance set, it works great especially if you're not worried about priority users...
And again, Mr. Shockwave is proven wrong. Solid, Agamer lol. Anyways, I wanna see Montreal win now (even though they won't). I want my Penguins...
This is really unlikely. Wood Hammer is halved due to Infernape's fire type, plus, Infernape (and most pokemon for that matter) outspeed it...
In today's battling scene, Ground and Fighting are a staple of the physical offensive front of Pokemon battling. Plus, almost every physically...
It was kinda lopsided, but my friend at school who is a die hard Detroit fan was more upset with the players than the refs. It's hard though;...
PEOPLE OF 4CHUB!!! I come to you all humbly beseeching your advice. Anyways, with school getting out in two weeks and summer around the corner,...
You know what would be kinda neat? If all three starters had access to a dual type of the following: Psychic, Dark, or Fighting so that they could...
I can see that grass type turning into like a beastly lookin lizard (a la Sceptile redux) or some kinda flying type possibly. That would be kinda...
My thoughts exactly. Haha I already know I'll be using him.
You know, that's actually possible given today's society. I shudder to think what could happen. Fire/Steel - Heatran Water/Dark - Carvhana and...
Horrible graphics? Bear in mind we're talking about the DS here, not a high-end PC. And I doubt there will be new starter types. Like I said, its...
Eh...I do too but its just kind of a tradition that they'll never put down. Not that I'm honestly upset with it, but a change of typing could be nice.
Eh...what can I say? I was listening to Kountry Gentleman by Family Force 5 and it just clicked. I have my moments. :)
Only time will tell Mr Piggly Wiggly. Only time will tell....
Eh, you could just use all stalkers/scouts and either go stealth and wait just outside the emp range and/or run in from afar to get...
The ship is just for screenshot purposes, as stated below the third screenshot. But this is just one long hallway. People are gonna get sniped up...
Got to 89 and my game died. I was like FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!!
Exactly. The Tycoon and any trainers you face after him will rip you to shreds if you head in with that kind of offense. There's much more to...
I lol'd so hard because you lol'd so hard at Agamer lol'ing so hard. (0.o) Jonathan Toews had a hat trick and two assists last night. And you...
Dude, you won't get too far with this team. Battles 20+ will tear you apart if you can't up your pokemon's stats or give yourself some kind of...