Haha yeah I'm cool like that. No but in all seriousness, V is just because people call me by my last name (VerVaet) or Big Daddy V (because I'm...
Togekiss @ Razor Fang (increases chance of flinch) Serene Grace Lv. 100 Modest Nature EVs: 252 HP / 152 SpA / 104 Spe Roost Thunder Wave Aura...
Dude, this is really cool! P.S. What's a screen dump and how do I do it? Is that the print screen function? (Sorry for sounding noobish lol).
Chuck, if you need some help, I could hook you up with some decently leveled pokemon with the right moves to get started. --- And there actually...
In all honesty, I only use cologne for special occasions. Otherwise, a shower and deodorant do the trick just nicely.
Chuck, you be hatin.
It depends though because Salamence can be both a physically oriented and specially oriented attacker. What are your Salamence's stats?
Haha, naw this isn't like being high. Calm yes. High no. And Matty I used to have insomnia for the longest time. I went about five whole months...
Ohai guys! Yes. I use some kinda American Eagle **** nowadays and Old Spice bodyspray, just because of Terry Crews lol. And since Camofo...
Yeah, I'm talking about the Battle Frontier's Battle Tower. If you can get a 100 win streak they put a star on your Trainer Card, its one of the...
I saw Breaking Benjamin with Three Days Grace headlining and Flyleaf opening for them in the past fall in Fort Wayne. I was 20 feet from the stage...
Dude! You got to see Breaking Benjamin and Shinedown live? Lucky bastard....
My best is 97 (I got beat out on an unlucky confusion hax). If you need some help I got a couple pokemon I'd let you use. My Togekiss is my go-to...
Dude, take the time to learn IV breeding, you'll be glad you did. I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. That being said, if people want any...
Soft resetting is where you press the a, b, start, and select buttons all at once to take you back to the title screen w/o having to restart your...
Soft reset and/or stealth rock.
Haha sure, we now pretty much have a community blog anyways. Anyways, hectic weekend was hectic. Friday was my highschool's prom. It wasn't bad,...
Ohai! I remember you. I'm not big into PC gaming save for the RCT community but if you're into Pokemon, we gotta pretty dedicated thread there...
I'm excited for Alan Wake. Anyways as of now I'm finishing my six page term paper on the importance of reading and flirting with one of my friends...
Daaaaaamn dude I like all of these for different reasons. 1) The glow and the blend of colors is gives an ethereal feeling which I freakin love to...