That Togekiss doesn't have to lead, it can function as your second or third pokemon very well in the Battle Tower, especially since they usually...
Alright, dude, I know you're a new member. So I'll tell you this right now and save you some grief. If you're gonna make all your posts be in the...
No offense, but it looks like all your map posts lack the intelligence and necessary knowledge of the map you're supposed to be giving feedback on...
Hmm...I really think you should take out Gyarados for Swampert as a lead. And maybe replace Dragonite or Togekiss with Lucario for a solid...
Lol nice nice. I remember the good 'ol days of Red and Blue and Pokemon Stadium when Pokemon hit my school like the freakin plague. Everyone...
Haha thank you, kind sir. I've grown up playing the games since Red & Blue first came out. I know a thing or two.
Absol, Gardevoir, Masquerain (eh.......), Breloom, Aggron, Flygon, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Ninjask, Shedinja, Cacturne, Slaking, Hariyama, Sharpedo (to...
Just out of curiosity, is this supposed to be a tank Blissey or a wall/staller? I have no idea why you'd wanna run a tank Blissey because its...
Ok I've seen a bunch of things worth commenting here on but I don't feel like going back and quoting everything so here goes. More often than...
Salamence halves all physical attacks done to him with intimidate and has access to much better moves with better offensive stats. Dagonite isn't...
Swampert or Gyarados are good choices for a bulky water type and both will give you some good synergy with Breloom and Togekiss. Dont use...
I love explosion on my Metagross. If something comes in that generally scares my team or he's on his last leg, I'll use it to do some major damage...
Ohai there! I be makin dis mah summer home beyotch! Lol but no in all seriousness, I've started posting in this thread a little and the monday...
****ing. Sadface.
Today went much better than expected for me. Woke up at around 6:15ish. Ate a big ass breakfast and went to school for my first three finals....
Wake up, take first three finals from 8 am til noon. Go out to lunch with friends. Come home and play xbox. fllr.
Woo! Finished my Junior Composition project. We read Elie Wiesel's Night and then we were given a number of options to do (write musical piece,...
Nope, no EVs were in Yellow.
That's generally a tell tale sign but the only true way to know for sure is to keep track of the EVs from scratch, unless you have an AR in which...
I'd focus on HP seeing as you're not looking to outspeed anything in particular, although you may be able to max out both EVs possibly before lv...