I've got em all. I picked out squirtle and treecko and got the other four from trades. I can breed any starters you need. Just give me a day or two.
Hmmm...I'm guessing you're using an adapter? Try going here: | Nintendo - Customer Service | Your Nintendo Wi-Fi -...
Alright I'm in too. EDIT: I'm gettin absolutely nowhere here.
Sure thing. I'll get on Wi-Fi.
Umm no need to put down other genres. This is all a matter of opinion here. I happen to listen to plenty of good punk, hip-hop, metalcore/hardcore...
You got four options here: -Using Dowsing Machine on top left corner of the muddy place on Route 212 -Mount Coronet Oreburgh's entrance and surf...
Just gotta say, I'm pretty sure my team could run through any of y'all any day. Actually I dunno if thats true or not. I'm just exuding confidence...
We could always use the Smogon's rules for standard battling which can be found on Project Pokemon's website here. And to Randle, not all...
I agree wholeheartedly. Although how is your trapinch still a trapinch after Claire's gym? Shouldn't that at least be a vibrava now?
I don't disagree with that at all. Like I said a team of straight eevee evos is awesome. Its just not that strong (which is rather unfortunate)....
Yes. That would be sweet. And to chrst, the only good eevee evolutions really are vaporeon and leafeon, and vaporeon is still easily outclassed...
Got Soul Silver the day it came out. Beat Red in under a week. Now I'm going through and catching all the legendaries and anything I find while...
Hard Rock/Heavy Metal: Alter Bridge Godsmack Mudvayne Slipknot Crossfade Metalcore: We Came As Romans All That Remains Blessthefall Killswitch...
I agree with Shaddo. After listening to Poor Carmine, the singing isnt bad, the new guy's clean vocals kinda remind me of Matt Tuck (BFMV) but his...
RollerCoaster Tycoons 1,2, and 3 with all expansion packs.