I agree with everything this video says, and I'm not pissed off. You may think I'm stupid and racist, but I'm not. I find it disgusting that...
Okay, I just did a quick run-through of the map, and I noticed a couple of things that irked me. The first thing was every window panel you have...
Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I fixed it.
No problem, thanks for the +rep. +rep in return.
Look on the bottom left of his post, there should be an old fashioned scale. Click on that and select the options and type what you want to say to...
I happen to disagree with the original poster. The whole point of screen shots are to show the masses the best points of your map to entice them...
EL OH EL. I don't know how desperate you can be for money that you would rob from a little girl's lemonade stand. So pathetic.
Now, all we have to do is show the results to all those British people on XBL always calling me a fat yank; we're the fattest nation. Now it is...
From first glimpse of the screen shots it looked like a map cluttered with useless items, however, after I downloaded it and looked I have changed...
Socialism sounded like a great idea, but when put into action it fails miserably. Capitalism sounds just as great, but when execute it equals success.
[IMG] I am going to have to go with this one, Phast Phood's. I love the use of the extraction filter, also he has a nice soft light lighting with...
The driver on the hood is the best part, nice use of the rule of thirds; awesome quality. 4/5 only because there was only one interesting part.
This map is very aesthetically pleasing in the aesthetic version. The cannon of explosive coils is an awesome idea and looks awesome, the ball...
Hello everybody, you may not know my real name, but I go under the alias of SpoRkeR. I am not new to forging; you will see maybe one or two of my...
It was very fun to play, but I think 3:00 is too short. I would also suggest maybe making 17 other 'holes' on different maps and make a full...