you're in
Aesthetically, the idea is nice, but Bungie decided to take all the cool out of them by super hunching them over, ****ing up on the hitboxes, and...
I'd say two, but the border should be a bit thinner and pure black. You could also try adding a white border layer, with a gaussian blur, to make...
Well, I am working to slow to complete this damn carbine (pixel by pixel work is tedious as hell), so I'll post mine up for you guys later.
your friends list is full, and this should be moved to off topic....
Actually, you use it to equipment jump to another section of the map( over the big room).
send biscuits and tea to 777 Radical Drive, Awesomeland, Canada
Yes. Yes you did.
Here you go Goodwhale: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] The border looks odd,as it is made of Super Intendent quotes.
Awww. Again? They should have a forge DBL XP, seriously, lack of imagiination.
Haha, double post
I'll still make one, w/e.
I saw, not very descriptive though...
Well, you could do that, by making a small image containing the name of your map, and then use a site like signavatar, to change them at random....
I had thought you guys would have been more creative with Troika's deployable cover, using it you can get out of the map (which is like an all...
You have a lot of Magic card sigs man, but the artwork is great, so I forgive your obbsession.
I vote for Duff himself, I like how the render has been sort of "Fused" into the background here, and the two-tone-like effect is what I would...
I lol'd
I am really glad this map got the feature, it deserves it and has been hanging around for a while. Great job Debo on being one of the first to...
Well, I've decided that If I want to get some more practice, I should probably start one of these threads. I've recently started using GiMP, and...