I disagree with your philosophy on the "guitar playing ”. Your father and many others may enjoy guitar casually but guitar has generally not been...
Congratulations on making it to the semi finals!
So much CoD
Yeah I'm just joking, I love the skybox on Impact..still I do think they could have been a tad more creative. Also seems like leaks may have came...
People were guessing it was pilfered from a factory. Not sure how that equates to spain though. If it is a shipping mishap than them Euros...
Dem Europeans always be leakin things. Also, Nathan Fillion is dancing in time to my song.
Leaked copy of the game is out. Apparently there is a retail disk and an online copy. I guess some of the campaign levels are out, but I avoid...
So what do you think guys..what's the coolest? Rocks and grass, rocks and water or wait for it...rocks in SPACE!!
I understand your disappointment at the lack of a truly "blank canvas," so to speak, but I'll be honest - sometimes the most interesting art...
What I wanna know is where are my spanish leaks!? Gimme last map spanish ppl.
I just meant forging BTB themselves and I was being half sarcastic. There will definitely be BTB maps in DLC..probably like half the DLC will be...
Yeah but we don't need forge btb maps because remember: they loaded the game full to the brim with giant maps.
And that is the smell of complete and utter disappointment. 343: "The Covenant? Who the **** are they?" On a side note: Lagoon looks cool though.
I just don't understand why it appears like they completely botched the whole "unique environments" thing. Would it really have been that hard to...
Exactly what I was thinking. We can finally have pro lifts.
Sorry guys, I was traveling so this was moved over by another staffer. All fixed up. Great map Paints.
Yeah its in matchmaking they will always want yo show new forgers examples.
It is, there is an entire category prefaced with "station" and there are 100 pieces in it. So there must be 100 unique pieces in each map. Still...
[IMG] Impact - Select a variant of this object type?
It's entirely possible that the pieces used on Ravine were meant for this map and they just happened to be the first pieces skinned, and Ravine...