sweet trampoline, better than the teleporter one. its cool how you did awesome...5/5
the self closing door is gonna come in handy. its not really a map. but its cool how you made them map-nahhhhh pimp-yeaaaaaaaa
i like it alot. all 3 of the maps. the theatre especaily. the first map next. 5/5 on all p.s.-"Map pack:Best of three worlds...
sweet dude, i liked the original idea for this map. way to go keep forging 5/5
wtf is what i said when i saw this, but then i looked at the other screen shots, very smooth interlockiong. good work.....4.5/5
me likey 5/5, the only think id say is, get rid of the man cannon. my theory most of the time.... man cannon + level = :( either way its still...
this is really hard to say, but out of all of the MLG maps iv seen, this is probaly the worst just because it looks like not enough thought was...
actually ya......some of the humans spawn in the observation room and others spawn in the testing center and the aliens respawn in varies spots...
overhead blueprint is posted, kind of cheesy but, i made it quick and a basic overhead so there you go....
Actually Ace,i forgot to say this and i fixed it, The armorys weapons have very low amount of ammo and never respawn for the reason that you were...
Area 7: Lockdown This map contains 4 switches. Compadable for SLAYER, TS, and INFECTION, and infection will do....... Weapons in armory...
I really like the map, i give it a 5/5 because i have matroid prime hunters, and it is exactlu the same, except for the weapon layout. Its nicely...
an amusement park, hmmmmmm, that could be my next map after i finish the one im making. I am definitly puting that into mind, thx for the idea and...
i didnt know u posted maps here..... alright, i will
wow, fantastic, nice interlocking, couple of those pics made feel like pooping my pants there was so much interlocking!!!!! DL for sure...
nice map, 4.5/5, needs little more pix and plus for infection, it was fun
99/100 wow thx
thx to all who supported
i said it this earlier "ANY INFECTION WILL DO!!!!" k?