that post is compleatly erelviant and inapropriate and will be told about to the proper athouritys
Ya your right and thanks for the vip advice. For now i will design all the maps on my computer but i will probally start out with a veriety map...
Ya in my next maps or varients i will probaly make it longer but one question. why would i make a vip gametype? i have it set up for koth. let me...
I was wondering when i make my new maps what type of vehicals would you like me to put on besides the standard hog and goose?
Another idea i just got was to make a map that is in a shape of an x and would work like this one but cars would fight in the center like a demo...
I was also thinking about adding to the stands by making a bridge over the center of the track and maby putting a garage of some sort. Besides...
You gave me a good idea. I have been thinking about hoe to distinguihs between lanes and i think i might merge my comums so you can see the gold...
Ill take your advice and will be making a more "unpredicatable racing stlye with no center diviror so there could be "accidents". I am also in the...
There should be a game type to go with it. It is in the link below the map link at the bottom of the post. The people can do no damage so the only...
This is my first go at making a race map. I have seen alot of cool maps on here before but not many drag race maps. This should be a nice...
that sound like a pretty sweet concept. It would be cool if people coppied some more sep op missons. I dont know maby the one where you have to...
thanks i got it to work now
It would be cool if someone could make a neutral flag game type like the had in the old games. i have tried to make this before but dont really...
ill have pictures online in a few hours but the inside has two levels, the bottom can be like storage and it can fit a tank and the top level will...
Great looking map. cant wait to play on it. good use of interlocking, wheres the download link?
it would be cool if a room was made for sandbox because you can do so much there.
i vote for so close because that has happened to me and it makes such an impression and tells alot about everyday life
this defentily has alot of potential, MulitLockOn love the minigame idea
it is a good looking map but im not a fan of ghost town editing. imagine what it would be like if it was made in sandbox...
this helped alot. i can do most things in forge but could never make a good map