Could Microsoft Buy Activision-Blizzard? - Forbes So, this HUGE sale could be going down pretty soon. I don't know what this means for gaming in...
I've been reading a lot of creepy unsolved mysteries in the past few hours. some are about ghosts, some about aliens. But by far the one that...
So a new Counter-Strike game was announced a few days ago for XBLA, PSN, Mac and PC. But today there was a trailer released revealing that it will...
So to kick off discussion of what Bungie's next game will be, I made this thread. I also wanted to post this. O Brave New World‏ -...
The more I think about it, the more I realize that Forgeworld is a terrible idea. Lets list the pros and cons: 1. Its a huge map that you...
I give you, BrodyQuest: The Game. YouTube - Far Cry 3 - E3 2011: Gameplay Trailer‏ I'm a bit disappointed with this. But I guess I...
"On Tuesday January 25 at 9 p.m. ET, U.S. President Obama will deliver his 2011 State of the Union Address. You can submit your questions for...
"Microsoft's freshly-formed internal Halo studio, 343 Industries, is working on a Halo: Combat Evolved remake. That's according to "industry...
It's so obvious. This is the direction the Halo franchise needs to go. And I remember a very very early dev video from Halo CE that had...
Note: Don't flame me for mentioning Master Chief in the Reach forum, I'm talking about Spartans in general. Okay, I've been wondering, do...
so ive ben plaing reach alot latly and have realzd tat its plalsits coud yuse a few twerks basicaly we shuld take out any plalists that noone...
A funny little glitch I encountered while playing campaign. [IMG] [IMG]
This happened in matchmaking on Big Team Paradiso. Basically, I'm shooting at a Scorpion with a mounted machine gun, and the scorpion decides to...
I think that it would be really fun to have a boat track on Longshore. Maybe just an oval track that is only one lap. Meaning, at the end there is...
So, what is it? Right or Wrong? I personnaly feel that if the patient is willing, whats wrong. Now I feel that there should be certain criteria...
This is just to compile everyone's reviews. I would be playing right now but I got the RROD.
I'm new and I really want a warm welcome. If you would please be nice. And if I might bring up, please be nice. Oh, and if you want to know...
Download Easytoon and get this. It's a teeny-tiny animation program which kicks various amounts of ass, ranging from a lot, to "a ****in' mountain...
Hey guys, just thought I'd drop by and introduce myself. My turn ons are romantic walks on the beach, blogging about 9/11 conspiracies, and ridin'... This is a funny series about sword awareness with your host/badass Trip Fisk. Really,...