Help me with a name for our site!...xD I am lost about what to name it...
Was fun playing Halo 2, if you want to again just invite :D
Well I got it to /forums now....xD
Alright, I am sure you team will pwn mine, but mine is not hacked any bit, all legit breeding :D
Woops missed it yesterday, but anyways happy birthday. Also Pokemon battle sometime yes?
Skype please?
wait what... Well I need to put the forums in a Forum folder, but how do I like link it from that....Confused...xD Also I have Halo 2 *hint hint*...
Is it bad I have no clue how to relink something to make it like Haha, Im failing at it, and I actually don't remember...
Please join party, i have a question or 8 :P Im kinda stuck on something...
XBL today!
Wow that's purely awesome :D I like the fact how the Spartan stayed on banshee a bit before he skyjacked it, very nice video :D
I was going to add you ron myspace, but to do so it says I have to know email D:
Wow I can barely solve a rubixs cube, let alone play Guitar hero on Expert, and solve two rubix cubes. That pretty amazing, must of took him a ton...
Welcome to Forge Hub, check the rules, have fun etc. I love how when a girl make a thread so many replies, I think the one i made had 3....xD
I played this with Shock a few hours ago, this is a great map, and very well forged, for me break the boundaries of great 1v1 maps. There is a way...
Me need more of your emails o I can add on myspace....xD /stalking :P
Hey can you PM me a list of questions that you think are needed to make our site, like just like what you want to know before we start.
Yeah, I wanna play, but you is never on D: