woah not nice.
D: flr
AVG Free seems like a good bet.
Why are they canceling Special Edition, or do you know?
D: Not nice bish :P
ohai fllr
I like this, but I think first person would been much better, and would I think it looks awkward in the 3rd person aspect. Also maybe do the...
Ohai fllr
Just noticed you had this nice, also why'd you remove me off friends list D:
Sleep is for the weak.
Its possible, I call h4x.
I think I could. I will!!! I need to buy full version, but I can beat and be like mwhahah pwnt...xD
Oh Trials HD it is hard to beat your Ski Jump score O.o
haha I see. Also pwn't, but get online, or skype?
:( fllr
fail fllr
no LAN O.O
Astros ftw kthx :P Don't you have like a pair or Turtle Beaches?