Thanks man, the name is pretty sweet. I got it from the song Riot by Three Days Grace, good song. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news........
Um sorry but...
Thanks for all the great responses guys. I will try to fix those bumps if I can (that's as close as i could get them).
Hey Its me again, you know Beaver boy. hears my latest, MLG Riot. Plays TS, Ball, Flag and Bomb. Weapons 4xBRs 45s 2xCarbines 90s 1xMauler 120s...
Thanks guys, it is a little small for BR's but you do get some good ones however
MLG Riot S Hey all this is my lastest map MLG Riot S. The S stands for small because it was a to small, however it makes a nice 1v1 map and...
The crouching part helps escaping from the people on the A, B towers not from the bases, and it does it very well. My friends and I can that part...
Where are the asymmetric bases? please point them out. It is meant for TS, CTF and KING
Hey all, I'm the guy that brought you the terrible MLG maps Aus and Rapid. Ive finally learned my lesson and decided to take a bit more time with...
Thanks bill, Aesthetics - i honestly dont know what this means, let me know please I geomerged the 2 box's that you spawn on (tried to atleast)...
Thanks for the welcomings As for adding cover and using things other then walls, i will work on it when i get my xbox back
Are they even considering putting in that map? **** hope not. Anyway maybe you should try the map before you go and say you don't like it, you...
Ok smartass settle down. Firstly i got the RRoD so i wont be able to put any more pictures up for awhile. Secondly this is my first post on...
thanks for your feedback guys, i am thinking of adding some cover to the snipe courtyard, or adding something to the teleporter side of the map to...
yeah ill try to get some more pictures this afternoon
thanks for clearing that up for him, i thought he was sarcastic. It does play weird and concentrates below the rockets a little to much, as for...
Hello again This is my second map - MLG Aus I wanted to make a bigger map then MLG Rapid and this is what i came up with. I haven't play tested...
thanks man, im about to post up my second map ill put more pictures in it