Last resort was the best before Foundry came along but now its probly Avalanche
It doesnt look like the unlimited buget glitch was needed for this map, but it does look well put together. good job
i dont know if i like this whole idea of making everything look all messy but ill give it a dl
when is forgehub goin to feture a new race map
i liked it better when the featured maps were categorized by gametype. They were so much easier to find that way
hahaha nice
looks cool. get a better pic of that first robot cant really tell what it looks like
i see the pics looks like a good infection map ill DL
very original idea. you should try making a remake of elongated with the convaer belts
isnt there a way to just make there one starting zombie so u dont even need the sitting ducks or do you need more zombies for the more people your...
they wouldnt but banshees or hornets on blackout. im guessing thiers just going to be mongooses and ghosts