Here's how to budget glitch, if that's what you're asking: CLICK Even though it gives you an unlimited amount of money, you can still only spawn...
I had already done just that before, but I still have about 15 objects left to budget glitch. The only way I know how to budget glitch the rest is...
I have made a sandbox canvas with all the default objects set aside, and now I'm doing the Ultimate Budget Glitch to it. My problem is that I run...
It's pretty much eye candy.
The watchtower bases were too big.
I already know how to save the boxes to a certain color, but didn't figure it out on my own till I had 1/3 of the hog finished. So, I left it rainbow.
This is a giant warthog I built on Avalanche. - The hog turret constantly shoots out a fusion coil. - A machine gun turret inside the hog turret...
Gosh, arbiter makes me sound like I'm so full of myself. P.S. This is the real me... just so you know.
Alright, here I am. No, the real me ... No, for reals. Ugh. Fine don't believe me. Well, I'm glad this whole situation type thing-a-ma-bobber got...