I can tell you spent a lot of time making sure the map was good interlocking and geomerging-wise. Sweet job! You've got my DL.
Sweet! I've Downloaded. Looks like crazy skill is also needed to complete the track though. lol
I am downloading this right now! I am incredibly impressed, JJ. The geomerging and interlocking looks sweet, and I love how some of the...
I like how the map itself involves a simple concept, but is done very well with the interlocking and geomerging. Awesome job. DL'd from me.
I want to like this map because the central rocket looks very cool. Unfortunately, there are many areas of the map that my friend and I pointed...
Thanks guys. Lol @ this is martha.
Looks good. I think I have seen this somewhere. Anyways, cool map. Not completely original, but you could still have fun on the map, so I've DLed.
Me likey! Sweet job with the map. Awesome interlocking, etc. I will absolutely DL and check out.
I really like the aesthetics of this map! I think, as usual, people are being too harsh for dumb reasons. I am gonna check out the map and come...
Looks pretty good. I like all the action shots, but it would help to have pictures that demonstrate the map's description. That's just me, but I...
Looks pretty neat, man. Ill give it a DL and come back with a review. So far, I like the general structure and solid interlocking. I think you...
Yeah, true. I kinda think that area looked too dull, so I put them in. They are also used for grenade bouncing, if needed. They hardly affect...
Thanks man. Come back with a review.
I did that intentionally...The screenies of the map itself are without the HUD. The ones with show what it looks like from the outside, and if...
Yeah, Completely agree there is no "wow" factor. This isn't my best forging, but the playability is its best feature and very fun.
Creep v2 A Map Presented by JSlayer7 DOWNLOAD HERE The Middle Overview (Gallery Shot) [IMG] What's New With Version 2? Completely Redone...
Looks pretty neat. The spawn clumping should try to be avoided, but the aesthetics are pretty nice. And you got the name from my favorite...
Sweet job! Any infection map that looks AND feels realistic and fun gets a DL from me.
I have to say that THIS is a very unique map. The idea and layout contain things I haven't seen a whole lot of before. The aesthetics are really...
Another awesome job Tex! I love how the gameplay is centered around the pillars and there is a drop down from the top. Awesome job. You're...