i think you used interlocking well, ill dl too
he did not if you look in the first picture the hole thing in the wall is still open, i like it DLing
it looks ok, but why barney?
i like the last map the best, very origonal
i think it looks awsome for your first map posted on here
dosent look too good, interlocking would be nice
good job using interlocking, most of the newer people dont do that and i give it a 4.5/5
at first i thought it would be like a dinosaur raptor, but then i saw the pic and was like oooooooooooooohhhhhh, very impresive
really good model, is it playable and can you go inside?
looks good, is the magority of the map under avalanch?
yeah forgeing on ghoust town is not to good its to cramped, this map is just O.K.
ill DL, it looks very complex
i think it looks good too, the "ditch" sounds interesting
yeah dosent look very good, but im sure the gameplay is good
pics would help, until then no DL
looks awsome im so downloading, ive been trying to make one of these forever
i think it looks good and ill give it a go awsome feature with the destructable bases :)
for me the pics just come up as the wed adress , but ill try it out and get back to you
ok i downloaded this and played it and this is my favorite mini game map
good job ill DL, i like the out of map part