you should make the humans a little slower and do a little less damage kinda like there high!
you finally put pictures in one of your posts!!, this one looks the best ill DL
umm. looks good but if its a "crashed" space ship the it wouldint be floating,but overal it looks really good
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
its very boxy and in the video there is a bunch of balck lines, you neeeeed real pics too, no DL
very cool nice attention to detail, ill definately DL
very sloppy, see the forge 101 to find out how to interlock
the walls could be alot neater and interlocked but the gameplay looks fun ill DL
very nice interlocking, this is the fist time anyone has actually started the zombies in a grave and not just POOF!
the pics arnt working for me but ill give it a shot
pics plz!!!
i dont really like flamethrowers on maps but that me, i still LOVE the map
personally i dont like it, there are too many places to cheat
we dont care how many DLs it has, but its an awsome glich
alot of neat things in this, ill DL
i remember DLing this along time ago, still love it!!
it looks ok, i agree with the too many camping spots
i very unlikly place for a map, very geneous, ill sooooo DL edit: why is it called surge?
i think it looks very good and simple ill DL
i am a big fan of your dodge ball maps so ill DL