vehicles can't go through teleports... so this can't work to well... but maybe it does.
Dude, I love your blog entries. Keep blogging! :)
Looks like a lotta fun! (totally D-Loading)
This map looks like it would work well for CTF and other objective gametypes... but i really can't tell from 2 screenshots. just upload more pics
This map kinda stands out from the rest (i mean that in a good way) it is simple, but plays nice.
What he said... I agree, the map is really smooth and fun
It does, thnx. I love mini games like this (it's a lot like labyrinth). Looks like fun!
The map's size is little big... but the "Highside Dunes" look amazing. Nice map :) EDIT: I would Download it, but I'm close to 100 custom maps......
I agree. Merging would improve the maps appearance, but other than that, the map looks good.