I steped on my wiiboard and it said I was Buff
Welcome to forgeHub I hope your map turns out good
Looks pretty cool but it's not the greatest
looks cool I'll try it out
I'll try to add more pics and BTW it is interlocked
Is that good
Kill House Type: Symmetrical Game mode: Multi Flag CTF Assault Team Slayer Team King Story: For there training the spartans Train in...
Nice try but you shoud try reading forge 101
Well I used to love swords so I tried to get Blademaster but it was taken so I got Blademeister
Nice to meet you
Bonjour, Je parle un petit peux de francais. Nice to meet you
Here it is in the top right corner
1. Halo 3 2. RSV2 3. COD4 4.AO2 5.FFOW
Thanks I already knew eveything on forge 101 but I've been looking at peoples maps and i'm getting idas for some of my maps
I'm new here and I would like to introduce myself . I am Blademeister. My gamertag is Blademeister aswell I love to forge and play around with...