Lol looks like you got an obssesion whit interlocking--for me i like bumps once in a while --it's just real and meant to be sometimes you can't...
Then forgehub is destyned to happy short reviews forever i'm sorry to say it.
Judging a book by the cover. Well that's the way it was destyned to work-- you test and then post a review-- other than that it's just like...
I like to interlock but i know it is not a requirement--i really think forgehub needs a reform in the way people review maps cause i really think...
Ok i'll be offline for a couple of days so will chat later.
:confused: :confused: :confused: Do you like me feel that 95% of FORGEHUB members are obssesd whit interlocking and forget to put a decent concept...
Interlocking obssesion i like the volumetry of the map and some of the weapon placement-- it takes advantage of the entire map and that's not...
Open areas ar ok. I have to agree some small portions of the map feel a little flat and can use some barriers to add some volumetry to the...
A good review writen before download and test??? Wao i'm impressed at how most people give maps a review and rating even before they get to play...
Hi you wanted to be friends so i accepted.
I agree whit half of what you say--what i dont agree whit is when you say that the map its too open??? since when open areas are not acceptable or...
Have you tested this map Flipstik??? Nice, but i bet you haven't even tested this map you just write from the pics--take it from me this guy...
A good map doesen't need nor requires interlocking--and by the way there is interlocking in the map so i dont get you're review--the appearance is...
Money Like the map "LIFE IS NOT FAIR " and it will only affect you depending on where you spawn so "disadvantage" is questionable on the map...
THX for the short reviews Thx for the post guys but I was expecting better reviews here but i find that some people not everyone only judge by...
thx for the post. theres more pics CLEAN pics in my bungie profile for those of you who dont like BIG words lol. just try it youll see that open...
Thx for the post. I will post more pics very soon and an overview thx. The open area arround the camo provides a very hot spot in the map and...
DOWNLOAD : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Its a fun map that i spent 2 weeks making whit lots of weapons very aesthetic...