Yes i am not downloading because from the pics it looks like every map out there--i'm looking for originality and good concept followed by smart...
He is the one that brought religion to the thread not me--he is the one discriminating people whit avatars showing skin if he doesen't want to see...
You know what i said if you want an example to what i mean i suggest you check out my map "RICH & POOR" and "SKATE PARK" not made by me those 2...
I have edited this map because i think more time was spent interlocking than in concept--the concept of this map is very original and hsould have...
That's the problem whit interlocking it looks better on pics and 90% of the reviews on FORGEHUB are based on interlocked objects in pics --When...
To me aesthetics, gameplay, concept and layout should be a requirement of any map. Isn't that what bungie does to ALL OF ORIGINAL HALO MAPS or...
Again you know how to interlock but i dont see apeture when i see the volumetry and layout of the map--i need concept first then interlocking i...
It's ok to use them. I like them all--every map should include them at least aesthetically.
Needless interlocking. Whats the point in interlocking everything whit no concept at all--i mean for real how do you relate the name "APETURE" to...
What about gameplay ????? so interlocking is everything in a map??
Where's malibu?? to me it is just another conceptless interlocked map--NOT downloading. This concept should have taken place in another map...
Ill download an edit anything i dont like. but from the pics it looks simple and fun.
I wonder when v3 is coming?? lol yes people who like pics must like this map but again "CORE" is way better than voltage v1, v2, v3 etc........
V2??? What for. v1 already failed. i saw this map and i gotta say i saw nothing impressive it-- only shows that you know how to interlock--lets...
I agree Yes interlocking and glitched money maps have become an issue on FORGEHUB because people think that just whit interlocking stuff the...
lock Lock this thread i say-- and better work on non glitched maps bungie doesen't like them neither do i --you gotta work whit what you get...
but don't you agree that in most of the maps you see lately they just offer 70% random interlocking and don't follow any concept at all?-- the...
I'm not american sorry--i'm dominican and i live in my country i do my best whit english--but that's right interlocking is being overrated.
Interlocking is a good technique but not a requirement and you do get my point voltage has no expression whatsoever no concept-- nothing to look...
Well i'm new here and my first map is called "rich & poor" and i was expecting reviews in a day or tow but to my surprise reviews and votings on...