Headquarters [IMG] Once a thriving military base, is now abanded. A perfect map using various forge techniqes. Help from the unlimited budget...
Keepsakes After the meteor hit Facility 15, everything was destroyed except for an area in an air sealed chamber known as Keepsakes. Keepsakes...
Download Here Serinity This is map that is all very beautifully interlocked. The map is enclosed and you cannot escape from it. Should be played...
[IMG] Download Here!!! ATV Offroad This Atv/Monster Truck Course gives you the feeling like your actually driving an Atv on an actual Atv...
alright im goin to post some up tonight
yah I know im makin a v2
what did whitelime say to do
Download Here This is revolutionary Dodgeball This is differant from regular dodgeball because this one is very unique and creative You...
ummmmm.... i dont know if there will be a v2 or not im currently working on a map that iv been working on for a real long time So im probably...
thanks man
which walls are you talking about???
I posted the link up now its at the bottem
★Serenity (Last Hope of Trinity)★ Dowmload Here Serinity This is map that is all very beautifully interlocked. The map is enclosed and you...
thanks I try to give good map descriptions
cool ill get on tommarow and we can pimp it
I didnt do interlocking because volcanos are supposed to bekinda rocky and no it will not lag
what do you mean?
ok I posted up an embedded pic of the volcano
Click the names of the maps in the poll to check them out!!
What are you talking about Bungie.net has the same name Keepsakes