wow thats awesome! i had no idea that that was possible. Ima dl this and show it 2 my friends
If this is back open for bussiness, then can u plz make this for me? Otherwise, just leave it. Sig colours - Name on Sig - Doughens12 Slogan...
looks good, but is base #2 supposed to be "DA FLAMETHROWER" spot? Also, you should use full size images, not provide links. Otherwise, nice job...
yeah, but i was the 26th to sign up. there were people on the lists that were like the 50th or 60th to sign up. I think that they just forgot to...
Hey I wish I could've been in TGIF also :(. If i was, i probably would've had as much fun as you had. I love the pics tho! Note: I was the 26th...
I really like this map! I think that the features and aesthetics in the map are awesome.
Hey It's probly 2 late but I'm a free agent if anyone wants me. my gamertag is doughens12
I love Invader Zim! I just realized your piggy was from invader zim, Zstrike! -- Bow down! Bow Down! Before the power of Santa! Or be crushed!...
That looks really cool. is master chief touching the arbiter's head in that picture? I would give this a 9 out of 10, but I don't really think...
dude didn't you hear reynbow? no more requests
hey mxdd13 what did u use to make reynbows signature?
lol, thats cool, but u shuld have shown you guys getting lasered in my opinion.
lol, don't worry. it shouldn't be too hard
lol dude you posted this 2 minutes before i posted the link! lol, hope you didn't leave yet.
if you have, then here is a link to download it from there...
I already downloaded this map a while ago, but its really good! Also, the version i downloaded is called the vietnam war. I reccomend downloading...
looks really nice, I haven't played any challenge maps before. Downloading...
This looks like a really fun map. Also, i like the way the spiker goes into the needler in the 2nd picture, I just think that that pic looks...
Lol looks awesome I'm queuing it right now! I think the splatter part sounds/looks the coolest.
I agree also I didn't know that that worked that way, but then again, I haven't played custom games in a long time.