UH..... i would like to ask u somethin.. how do u post pics?
hey wats up, cmneir. u dont know me but i kno u. i watched all of ur vids on halo 3 tricks. once the new members came i stopped though. anyways, i...
yo, i c u hve the report to. im listening to tht guy because hes a high rank. so we should probally be more kind to eachother. well contact me to...
Who are u? ( not in a mean tone ) Are u the stater of this? just asking cause i hve no clue who u r.
Ok how old r u? 16? well im not under the age of 16. Also i downloaded ur map from ur fileshare. i would like to ask u somethin. how do u do the...
First off, this is on internet so i dont need to use correct grammer. 2nd off, i did not say ur map was bad. now u have just gotten ur self...
yah im sure i can post them.. it doesnt madder. Its not out yet. O but it doesnt say u cant do tht. So ill be fine. But enjoy it when it does come...
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