I'm about 3/4 done with a new map, but I'm leaning towards doing a major overhaul. My priority is getting this one out the door so I can move on...
thanks for the reviews and all the other feedback. The info in the posts is all I know about how the M.E. plays - I wasn't been able to round up...
sweet map. The different heights you use are perfect and blend together great. Looks like it'd be great for 4xFFA. I think it would also work...
Different Level - Matchmaking Edition! v.95 is up - check the first post for details.
I like this one a lot. It's one of the more intricate maps I've seen and I like that you went against the competitive grain and went assym and...
Re: Different Level Appreciate the help squid. I saw the coloring idea in the mlg map stocks/stockpile and really liked it. I went B sign/Blue...
Re: Quarry One of my favs so far. It's very immersive and creative. I tuned out Foundry walking around. It's also very clean and has form and...
Re: Different Level Version .92 of Different Level is in my share now and the screenshots and download links have been updated. I'm planning on...
Here's my latest map. I've got a new one in the works and I hope to have it finished after this weekend...
Different Level (Matchmaking Edition) Created by sendernode Gametypes Supported: TS, FFA, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Assault Recommended Players: 4-8...