nice gotta love machinima
probably very true, but there was a few funny parts.
nice, yeah I saw that tutorial and was like nice. Only thing i can say is embed the video, but other htan that it was short so it was worth...
Re: Halo 3 Sniping Montage Thats pretty sweet nice sniping. And yes they difinately need to bring back team snipers
nice thats pretty sweet.
thanks guys, i am also looking into buying a capture card, so this was really helpful.
I was thinking about buying it also, so yeah any opinions will be nice
yeah i like Gimp a lot also, I am currently using a free trial of photoshop CS3.
I found out about FH when it was featured on Bungie
I think that this is probably the greatest forging discovery since, well since forge hub lol.
yeah me and my friend tried making a tower of power map before, but the problem is you can remove the turret, that was the only problem we ran into.
Lol yeah took me a while to get used to having to have patience, i recomend working on one map, but doing it over many different games. So like...
hopefully whent hey join FH they won't bring their annoying 8 yr old spam comments with them lol :)
yeah, i'm using a projector in my room, and my computer is like 3 feet from my xbox, so I do have a computer near by.
Halo 2: Grunt Birthday Party, Tower of Power definately, getting outside of levels, lockout!, and superjumps Halo 3: forging, standing outside for...
yeah i need to get me a capture card, i wonna start making some machinima, so thanks for the info.
Hey how do you guys make your videos, do you just use theatre to take clips then upload them and edit, or do you use something else?
I personally have found more songs i like on rockband, but i own both, and play both so yeah i guess for me its just the mood i'm in. But my vote...
Same here twin probably because i don't know how to use it lol. Lucky for me its just a free trial tho.
yeah i haven't taken any courses or bought a book, but i have spent about hmmm 200+ hours teaching myself to use maya, and i was wondering if...