I hate macs, and truedark I think I know what kind of files you are deleting ;). File recovery is easy in windows you don't even need to go into...
Well first of all you would never show them the hidden object, and your version would obviously be dated before theres so then you still win.
hello excalibur
An old buddy in elementary school once called me trickmyster as a nickname because my last name was trick, I loved the sound of it and it has...
Yea I see no reason why you would type all that up just as a joke, let me know what happens shock
I got a chat invite from some 9 year old today, he said he just wanted to tell me that he is stealing my map and is telling people that he made...
[IMG] On a road trip, my girlfriend took the pic.
I believe there are some threads were people who like playing customs have posted thier gamertags look around for those.
I will one up you, I was in a party and I didn't know the host and the host or anybody else didn't know me anyways he starts telling them about...
Just because a tv has hook ups for component cables doesn't mean it is HD, it can be 480p and still have component cable inputs.
Dane Cook has stolen tons of material especially from Louis CK. Just google it, it isn't my job you give you info most comedians know he steals...
No this is just my automatic poster prgram I have running on my pc ;)
I prefer the chief though I think I may switch over soon.
I am still on my first but it has been acting funny lately which has me worried, I am on my second charger however because my first one clunked...
I can't stand that joke stealing Dane Cook, he isn't even funny.
No offence but you can't judge an entire games multiplayer session from just 2 matches.
You need to have more then one, they won't even be able to find them all you can glitch them into places, plus they don't know what items are key...
I am always watchingggggggggggg
that is what I do I have "key" items hidden in all my maps, nobody knows what the items are or where they are but me.
The AR and laser are pretty good.