Happy new years bish xD + Happy B Day lol
When he jumped off you didnt kill him the barrier did. Timing looked like you did though.
Lobby View of Third floor and 2 more exits added (the fence wall that ramps up is crooked.. jsyk.. good map tho really!)
Way to start off the new year right?
You're depressing :D
When i played on a PS3 controller i thought i was using an old fashioned (L) X Box controller. Those controllers suck!
Wishing all of FH a happy ****ing new year :) Let's hope it's a good one.
That video has given me Diabeetuhs.
This video is about a guy named Noah who takes a picture of himself everyday for 6 years! It's somewhat depressing.. but artistically beautiful...
Merry Christmas to you too :o
You too pal.
Bouncefx can help you Youtuber.
Really? No you'll have to show me sometime.
Lol HLG isn't that great.. but it can be fun when you're bored and wanna piss someone off. I prefer playing though.
Yea the spot can be used in matchmaking and yea we broke the soft barrier too. It's quite fun being right above base snipers and throwing grenades...
Eh. I'm not really a trouble maker.. I just don't agree with much of what some of the FH Mods have to say i.e. Shadow Viper. :\
Nice to be back :)
Lol i was just about to post this here too. Hope ya'll like it.
Eh I jumped the gun. I posted porn lol. Sorry.
I'm jones'n for a ban'n lol.