When you see it.. you'll **** bricks..
Lol i saw this like 30 mins ago. I loled.
It talks about elephants.
Listen to the song lol.
Scope-u-lus lol :p I've gotten so many different names so I'm used to whatever.. but yea it's that ^^
Na lol it's just Scopulus. That's my user name for anything.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rju9b_Uk8Sw Try this song. It really will make you want to dance, even if you don't want to ha ha. :)
QFT ^^ We have a winner. Finishing move: winsauce was applied.
My ex :\
Hold the phone... DQ isn't loyal anymore?! It's the end I tell you..
^^ She sounds cute? lols. You can clearly see that she is cute, however her voice could shatter a nation.
You are lego god.
Happeh Birfhday :D
hah i hate him too :P
^^ lawl. You just wanna add some white streaks in her hair is all :D.
You make me ***** grow very large.