if people just pay attention for once and actually not just skin threw the forums i reply too, they might not care. but every thing HAS to be so...
comparing this to all the other maps on sand box it doesnt look that big. there could also be a little bit more fusing or mergeing to make it look...
sorry i didnt mean to confuse you but this internet isnt my life because i have a girl fried.
this must be a glich. once you click pre order you must of had them sent it to you. dont let this be the halo rreach all over again because all...
that was messed up how he said michal jackson. he like just died i think it is to soon to start making jokes like that about some one who is died....
I think i really do like this map. but my question is does is play good. the object used int he arch that is in the sky could have been used to...