Care to tell me how the hell Linux works? That looks complicated. >.< Anyway, Vista/XP>Linux yey
Zerosun. DEFO. There's something to the signature that makes you want to look at it for even longer. I dunno, I just wish I could make sigs...
Isn't this like the third time it's been posted? n00b, WIUWNKLME is Toochie's and mine.
The Mac we have haz a sexy dock and top-thingo. I tried getting Skitch, but when I try to upload a picture, it doesn't work. Runtime error or...
GRRRRR. I couldn't friggin make it...I had to go to my cousin's house.. (Aged 5 and like 8) Graahhlll. Sorry :(
LMAO GWS. The top bit doesn't look good and the background of the dock doesn't either. No idea what OS my Mac's using.. Hehehehe. That's...
Haha it's pretty cool. It's missing something though, I'm sure what...
Hahahaha. =D
Go into Banadu. Just do it. A surprise is waiting.
'Snow anima-' Wut? Who said that? Naww I already kinda knew how to (Tutorial) but I never had a sig that would be fit for it. Nice work on it....
[IMG] And then a while later... [IMG] (Note: I can't find my first but these are close to it.)
I'm not taking sides but, looking at Boydy's sig shop, all of their sigs have rain on it? Now I don't know if they've requested it, but, bleugh....
If you just bring up the task manager you can get rid of it straight away. xD
iLol'd Anyway, that's nasty. 1k Bragging rights. o.O
*waves* Anyway, welcome and I hope to see you around. :P
That seems to be Mac OS only though? I've checked it out and wish I could use it, we have a mac but hmmm...
OSHI Ima have fun with that.
oic .... yes plz !!! I need a base-picture first. xD
Could people PLEASE stop doing rain animations? It's really old/lame now and just looks bad cause it's slapped onto any random sig, even if it...
No. If you took 1 minute and looked around the site, you'd notice that there is a search function. 'GIMP', is your keyword. ;)