z0mg. I wanta make a Machinima, too. If I really want to, I need to team up with someone with a CapCard. Anyway, thought I'd say that. o.O
They're freaking awesome. 'Cept for the first one, that almost looks real. xD The car I reckon is the most epicczz. Did you also do the...
You did these? Including the car? <3
When you do that Nemi, you can't get the .gif off a 'background layer'. (Which allows you to not edit it) I think...
Stoj - Stoj My tip is; Always attack someone 1 level below you. xD
That's Reynbow's job, not yours. xD :lol: Also like I said, I'm not really liking the squares but it somehow needs to take up more space......
Lower the opacity of those lines. Twould be bettarr. :D
I like it but the squares and stuff on his legs really tone it down..TBH, I suggest removing them. (Coming from my point of view). Good however. :D
And about my recent set-up..it's abstract art. Not meant to look extremely pretty, but interesting. You could make heaps of pictures out of it....
o/ \o \o/
=d ....
Down the bottom for a windows dock isn't so great, cause I usually have the taskbar up and it looks dodgy. Top = (Y)
As I said, 'I'm not going to stretch them'. Haha. :P I like the first two, but not the last two. =/
I'm not going to stretch them to screw up the quality, and I don't mind the 'borders' anyway. @GWS; Deviantart. Search angmorx. He 'twas one of...
Yayayay. Desktop thread. :D IRC?
New set. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] (Image *****)
You thar?
Mine again because I got no feedback, and I don't feel like changing it again. And LOL at your parents Al. :P [IMG] (I think GWS was the only...
All parents tend to use that BG GWS. Mine do.