looks pretty good the bad part is i hate Juggernaut still looks like a good slayer map
[IMG] one of my best i think, here is the link- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21362195
hey thanks for all the stuff i need to do and when i get back on halo ill get more stuff and thanks again ill try to spend lots more time on...
this is my best map so far i really like it i, i got most of stuff from forging 101 so thanks and i really hope you like it here is the bungie.net...
lol yeah i can see that
thanks for all of the feedback
Name: Field medic Created by: Samuel blacks0n Brief Description: if you dont stay close to the medic(The VIP) you can die really fast Settings:...
Its call field medic and it you don't stay within a 10 meter radios your heal will not regenerate because the medic heals you, so if you die its a...
how do it do that? fixed
[IMG] one of my best pics here it is one bungie.net please rate and download http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20277639