looks nice and clean ill have to check it out
thts always fun
yeah i did some reading it not lag if we are both pplaying from the same connection and no other connection is interfiring. sorry if i spelled...
i dont think it can be a lag because you cant lag when your the only ones playing 0n it and there is nobody from a different connection on but i...
that would be pretty sweet, ive gotten a splatter from the grave befor, it was pretty wierd.
yeah the green player(me) had the sniper
yeah but i didn't think you could lag from your own server when your the only one playing on it
[IMG] ok so my friend went and joined my game. From a different house not mine and i had a friend playing at my house with me after i no-scoped...
some of my best I think.... EDIT: i know i spelled "like" wrong i typed to fast and im sorry [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
this was taking out of the covident [IMG] Please commet and rate http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21868024
no i was just reloading my SMG's and then my brother hit a fusion coil
naa i think thats pretty cool
ill try to make the ramp better when i start V2
This is one of my best maps i think.I don't know why but it wouldn't let me put a descrition other than 2-8 player, i don't know why. SO here is...
this is so true but ill still check it out :)
wow thanks for all the commets
looks very interesting
i was playing this and i was so confused i got a headake from the side ways shotting